Sildenafil or Tadalafil
You are not sure which ED Pill to choose? there is a wide choice of both Sildenafil pills which contains “Sildenafil Citrate” as well as a wide choice of Tadalafil tablets which containing “Tadalafil Citrate“, but which one is good for you? Well we are here to help you out and advice!
Sildenafil vs Tadalafil
The basic is actually very easy and more easy than it looks like. Of course we can describe very detailed and technical/medical about the working of these Sildenafil/Tadalafil pills, but actually they main 2 things you need to understand.
Point 1. Both pills are high quality erection tablets with guaranteed good results.
Point 2. The only real difference between Sildenafil or Tadalafil is the duration of working. While Sildenafil Citrate works max 8 hours ( good enough for a an evening/night sex, Tadalafil Citrate works up to 36 hours and therefore Tadalafil (Cialis) is also known as “The Weekend Pill“.
Buy Sildenafil Citrate Online … or Buy Tadalafil Online here…