Erectile Dysfunction
Read here how Sildenafil Citrate can be used for Erectile Dysfunction treatment! Sildenafil is the #1 ED cure worldwide and best known for Viagra.
Nothing is more humiliating for a man than having erectile dysfunction. No matter the age, it all makes us feel bad and not like a real man. When you want to have sex but you can’t get an erection… terrible! Let’s make it history with Sildenafil Citrate!
Sildenafil Citrate is obviously known from Viagra Pills. These little blue pills contain standard 100mg of Sildenafil and this makes you to have a real strong boner for hours!
What kind of Sildenafil Pills are there?
It all started with the brand version of Viagra more than a decade ago and now available in the much cheaper version called “Generic Viagra” all with the same aim, to make Erectile Dysfunction history.
Since then there are really many other sildenafil tablets on the market with different names and different strength of Sildenafil Citrate, but they work practically the same. The only difference is the shape, size, colour and pharmaceutical producer. Some examples are: Caverta, Zenegra, Kamagra, Penegra, Eriacta, Vigora etc. which work also perfect for ED Treatment like Viagra or Generic Viagra …